How you could profit from your discontent

What is it that really gets you worked up?

I have a couple of things:

  • People who don't return their shopping cart to the designated areas in parking lots
  • People who cut in line (You don't want to see me in Europe)
  • Expecting a result out of people when they haven't been trained to accomplish the result

Feel free to add yours in the comments below.  But what if I told you if you paid attention to your discontent it could lead to extra revenue?  Here's why I would tell you that: If you look deep inside what causes you discontent you can find what you're passionate about. And what your passionate about is a strength that has marketability, these marketable strengths are profitable.  

That's our story.  

Many years ago, I started blogging to coach a group of people I felt weren't receiving the amount of training that equaled the expected results.  It really got to me seeing great people feel like they were failing when they were doing their best.  In the beginning, I could maybe think of 10 people who were having this experience but that small number didn't stop me from putting my thoughts online.  Over time, these thoughts posted on a website provided opportunities to coach, consult, and serve.

What about you?  What's a discontent you have that impacts other people as well?

If you're wiling to write, research, connect, and ask questions over a period of time and are willing to put yourself out there you begin to establish yourself as an leader in a specific thought field.  This is where the revenue begins - opportunities like guest posting, speaking, consulting, creating, serving, or partnering leads to you adding more value to the lives of others.  This is the most difficult part for some of you to understand, the world has adjusted it's understanding of value.  Often, proving value first is required before making revenue, especially online.  

So, if you'd like to take your discontent and turn it profitable the first question we have for you is: 

What are you doing now to add value to the small tribe who shares your discontent?

This shouldn't surprise you that discontent is the ground break towards a revenue stream.  Discontent is often the the first signs of life for an entrepreneurial adventure.  For example:

What is it that you have discontent about others share with you?  Do you have a solution?  Do you have the ability to coach others to improve their own situation?  Profit is not far behind solving a pain point.  But the profit belongs to the one who decides to do something about it.  Is that you?

If you have discontent and want to start doing something about it let us know.  This is why The Factory exists.  We want to help people who are passionate about helping others.  We can help you on the front end as well as after you've developed your audience and need support.  We'd love to hear from you and here's to you for doing something about your discontent.  

Hire the Factory Here.



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