If you're a parent, you will thank us for this

Have you ever been super proud of something a friend or family member has done?  You know how that feels?

Here at the Factory Media Network we are feeling all the feels today!  Our pride has risen to the top and it's about to burst.  We are so proud of David and Kelli Pritchard from AXIS Ministries with the launch of their podcast - Parenting with Truth and Grace.

David and Kelli have been mentors of ours long before we met them.  We don't want to throw a stalker-ish vibe here but to us, they're like parenting gurus.  As our first born approached Kindergarten we started asking the question most Jesus loving parents start asking - "Should we be concerned about putting our kids in public school?"

Today, we drop our heads and shake them at our former selves and our once imagined fears.  However, the turning point for us was when Mel stumbled across the book Going Public: Your Child Can Thrive in Public School by David and Kelli.  This book is a game changer and it's also why walking into our elementary school with Mel is like entering an event with a celebrity.  Seriously, it's almost to the point where teachers and administration asks for her autograph when she shows up at the school.  Get the book and it will all make sense later.  

Shortly after reading the book we discovered the Pritchards work for the same organization we do and then it was game on!  We intentionally attended conferences they were speaking at and let me tell you, they know some "ish" about raising kids.  That's because they've had 11 of their own.  You heard me, 11.  Yes, they are awesome parents and so many of us see them as a trusted voice in how to navigate raising great kids.

Not only have David and Kelli raised their own 11 kids, but they've "parented" another 24 kids and now have four grandchildren

Not only have David and Kelli raised their own 11 kids, but they've "parented" another 24 kids and now have four grandchildren

So, it has been a huge privilege to be a partner with them as a company but also just being their cheerleaders and friends.  Right away, the content is going to catch you if you are a parent or are near becoming a parent.  David and Kelli interview people they admire and respect as parents plus they add what they've learned as well. Next week, their latest episode will be with Bob Goff, author of Love Does, in regards to what he has learned about parenting!

Here's what I'd like you to do for a member of the Factory Family!

1.  Subscribe to their blog - www.AXISministries.org is where they share frequent parenting gold.

2.  Subscribe to their podcast - The Parenting with Truth and Grace podcast can be found on iTunes here.  Please don't just visit, make sure you subscribe!

3.  Rate and Review - It would be a big deal for David and Kelli if you left a review and gave a rating of their podcast.  We have a goal of getting them in the category of "New and Noteworthy" on iTunes because we believe it will help them solidify an audience.  iTunes uses subscribers, ratings, and reviews within the first two weeks to pick the podcasts that make it.  We'd love your help!

David and Kelli are why we started The Factory.  We desire to help people who have given their life away in service to others find new streams of revenue so their calling can be even more focused.  The Pritchards are well on their way because of their hard work, their willingness to put themselves out there, their desire to serve, and their ability to add partners to their team.  We're proud to be a partner in the Pritchard's calling!  Since May we have helped them re-brand their ministry.  I won't list everything but it's been fun to help them move to a new URL, a new site, a new theme, and all the other things it takes to launch a brand new website.  Our in house designer Grace has been involved tackling some graphic work.  Not to mention, the technical side behind launching the podcast.  With tremendous joy we share with you what the Pritchards have done.  We hope it sparks something inside of you that begs the question:

What's keeping you from launching your dreams?




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