Interpreting Dreams

For most who live in the West we think about accomplishing a dream as all or nothing. Because of our wealth there is so much information and opportunity we could chase our tails if we pursued every dream we have for our life.  

But what doesn't go away? Pursue that.

Having a vision for something doesn't mean it needs a 100% of your time.  Right now your dream may only need 10% or 20% of your time. Just because you have a dream doesn't necessarily mean it requires all of your time.

Be weary of thinking any one thing requires 100%.  Giving all of yourself to something makes us less human, not more human.  Absolutes are a dangerous bed fellow in entrepreneurship. Don't give up your entire life for a 40 hour a week dream.  Instead, start giving 10% to what doesn't go away and see if it grows.